mardi 21 juillet 2009

Wedding in the land of the giant snails....

Yes, one message in English, for those unfortunate people of the world who don't understand the wonderful language that is French...

So this last week-end, we were in Wernberg-köblitz, Germany for the Wedding of Susanne and Øyvind. It was a beautiful Wedding in a beautiful old castle in a tiny little town. There were not a lot of guests, so I felt very fortunate to be there.

I met Susi in Ottawa last year when she came to visit Alexandra in Ottawa. It was a great pleasure to meet her then and I was happy to see her again... and on such a great occasion.

The morning of the Wedding (Saturday) started on a not so good note, I noticed that I had forgot my suit shirt. The nearest store being 7 Km away, I was in trouble. But thanks to a couple of great Norwegians that we had met in the pub the night before, I was saved. Indeed, Ronnie had brought an extra black t-shirt that I borrowed. I had to wear it "backwards" since it was one of those shirt with a V neck that goes a bit low, and I thought that maybe my hairy chest might not be very appropriate for this event. But it worked just fine...

We were so lucky to meet Ronnie, Tonje and Drífa that night before the wedding! Not because of the shirt, of course, but because we had such a great time with them for the whole week-end. In the morning before the wedding, Tonje needed to find a hairdresser... so we started to look around the village to see if we would find one. Well, something is strange in Wernberg. There is one bakery, one or two pharmacy, bars, and restaurants, two banks, but at least FOUR hairdresser. One can't buy a shirt there, but hairdessers are everywhere! So we left the girls you know where, and Ronnie and me went for a beer and a game of pool. And then we all jumped into a Taxi to get to the castle for the Wedding. There used to be a picture of Ronnie and Tonje in the Taxi right here, but Tonje didn't like it, so it's not here anymore. ;)

Here's a picture of the three girls, Tonje, Drífa and Alexandra.

And another one with the Bride...

We had, like in most weddings, amazing food, good wine and beer, speeches from the fathers and the groom (which I couldn't follow very well since they were either in German or Norwegian). We also had a little traditionnal (I guess it's traditional) entertainment. Everybody had to shoot at a wooden bird and try to make it's feathers fall off. That was pretty cool. Here's a few picture.

And finally, if you wondered where this title comes from...
the house of this beast is the size of a golf ball!

Ronnie stepped on one... horrible sound when you know what it is!

That's it for now!

Congratulations to Susanne and Øyvind!
Thank you for the great time, and I look forward to hour next meeting...


4 commentaires:

  1. hahaha ouin tout un scrouch !!!
    ou elle est ta photo avec ton super chandail ?
    Je signe anonyme parce que je n'y arrive pas autrement... c'est clau

  2. Ben j'ai pas de photos... c'est que c'est moi qui avait la caméra tu vois? :)

  3. Susanne Støle Hentschel11 août 2009 à 12:51

    Phillipe, :) j'ai lu avec amusement tes lignes! Pour tout le monde: il y a des photos de Phillippe sur facebook! Je suis contente que vous etes venus! J'ai ecrit a Alexandra, que nous avons envie d'aller vous visiter...

    Drifa et Tonje m'ont dit, que vous voulez echanger vos places a la table. Je suis en peu desolee de ne pas avoir enticipe ca!

    A la prochaine fois


  4. Hey!

    Just saw this!! Cool!!! :) :)
    To bad everything else on your blog is in french though... wonderful as the language may be, it takes too long to try to figure out what it means!

    It's funny how one could think when reading your story that Ronnie went for a beer all by himself.. Makes him sound kinda sad - spending his saturday morning before a wedding in a bar - alone - drinking! hehe..

    Anyway, fun times, and great pic's (except for that one of me and Ronnie in the taxi, that totally makes me look fat!!! Honestly, Philippe, I thought better of you than that!!!)

    Hope to create more memories soon! ;)

    Hugs Tonje
